Not All Teachers Stink By: Donnie Teague
“Bonjour tout le monde” I’ve gotten used to hearing those words come out of one of my most favorite teachers. In case you were wondering who that teacher is, it’s Mrs. Sherry Frazier, and she teaches French. I’ve actually known her for awhile even though she’s only been my teacher for the past two years, but it’s because my brother and sister had her when they came here. Not to be mean, but she’s getting kind of old because she’s been here for awhile. About 35 years to be exact. I don’t know, but there’s just something about the way she teaches us that I like. Probably, it’s how crazy she is. Some of the things she does you can’t imagine any other teacher ever doing. There’s not a day that goes by that I don’t leave that class happy or whatever. She has like the best comebacks for every joke. There’s a time for playing but when it’s time to learn she sure does teach us. Every word we learn she has a hilarious story for. To me though, she’s more than just a teacher because she’s just so laid back. I’m able to talk about anything to her. Most teachers it’s the complete opposite. She knows how stupid I am and how I act, but she also knows I’m one of her smartest students and she keeps me out of trouble. I’m sure if it wasn’t for her, I’d be a bad student making bad grades and bad choices. She just shows that not all teachers are the same old same old.