Acting It Out By: Michael Flowers
The Caprock Theater Department, well actually just Mrs. Ferguson’s sixth period, is getting ready for the U.I.L. One-Act Play. This year we are performing “The Little Foxes.” It has a dramatic storyline consisting of hate, death, theft, and deception. Personally, I am in this production. I bring in the death aspect of the storyline. I die from a sudden heart attack, and I’m out of medicine and my wife refuses to get the other bottle and it so happens the bottle is upstairs and I am bound by a wheel chair. We currently are about halfway ready for the upcoming One-Act Play Festival that we happen to be hosting on Saturday March third. Festival is where the surrounding Amarillo Schools perform for each other and have judges critique the performances and give feedback for improvement prior to the actual U.I.L. One-Act Play. The actual One-Act Play is the week after we come back from spring break. If we place first or second, we get to move on to Area Competition. If you would like to see a performance, come to the Caprock High auditorium Friday March 30 at seven o’clock.
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