Caprock Longhorns

A chronicle of the interesting people and events at Caprock High School in Amarillo, Texas.

Friday, December 22, 2006

Johnny Cash Remembered

Caprock Students,
You always want to know what type of music that I like. Please click on the above link to watch the video of Johnny Cash's "Hurt." It is an award-winning classic from this legendary entertainer.

Mr. Frazer

Friday, December 15, 2006

Caprock Under- Rated By: Carl Martin and Nathan Parks

Is Caprock under-rated? Caprock has been in the top 15 schools in the
nation for the past couple of years. Caprock is excelling well in
athletics as it is in academics. The wrestling teams, both boys and
girls are doing very well this year, but it hasn't been easy. The
wrestling teams have gone through some very intense training, and
hopefully it will pay off in the end. The Football Department is going
to gets its big break pretty soon. Caprock is up for a new head coaching
position, maybe this next season will be THE SEASON for Caprock's
Longhorn Football boys. Caprock's track team is very hard to beat. The
varsity track team consists of some very fast athletes. The basketball
team is struggling a little bit. But with some hard training and some
diligence, they can make it to the playoffs, maybe even more. Caprock is
a very nice school to attend, especially with the ACE program. This is a
very interesting program that should not be taken lightly.

The Blog of the Blog by: Bloggers Jeremy Molinas and Anthony Pequeno

In case you haven't noticed, the blog that Mr. Frazer has so
blogly made, blogging all the blog deserving phenomenons at Caprock,
then you are missing out on a lot of blogs. The blog is a place where
the blogging students can blog their feelings about Caprock to the
entire internet and blog accessible people in the world. This is a blog
about the blog. Mr. Frazer so kindly blogs the blogs to the blog site
and at his house he puts the blog pictures for each blog on the
appropriate blog. It makes the blog spectacular. So if you haven't
blogged yet or heck, even if you have blogged, you're still missing out
on a blog load of blogs. About four blogs are blogged on the blog every
week. For blogging blogs to the blog, students can earn extra credit for
a blog of at least 150 words. So all of you blog readers out there, don't
miss out on the new blogs that are being blogged to the blog, and if you
haven't blogged yet, you should really think about blogging a blog on
the blog.

Chicken Express By: Cory Wagoner and Ryan Nelson

Not only the home of the best tea in the world but great chicken as
well. Just add a little gravy and a nice, savory, buttered, delicious
biscuit, and you've got yourself a terrific meal. Chicken Express can
also stand for a great game day lunch or even a celebration after a big
win. Chicken Express may be small in size, but the food they prepare
makes up for that small downfall. Their flashy yellow and red colors
draw your attention, and once you get even a small taste, you're sold.
Chicken Express is our restaurant of choice at least twice a week, some
times more. The people inside are generous and giving. You are always
given an extra piece of chicken with every order. So whether its game
day, a celebration, or you are just hungry make Chicken Express your
next dining experience. It will be one decision you will never forget!!!


Grand Poetry Slam-- By Joseph Hernandez

7:30 at Club Illuminati--- we began with the Open Mic. Six people,
including myself, went on stage and performed what they had to warm up
the crowd. At 8:00, we began the competition with nine competitors.
Their names Tano, Raul, James, Colton, Terri, Daniel, Javier, Cristin,
and Monica. There were five judges with a dry erase board. The scores
can range from 0 to 10 with decimal points. A zero being, Umm... Okay?
A ten being one of the best things in the world! Out of the five judges,
you drop the highest score, the lowest score, and go from there. After
the first round was over, we lost four poets and were left with Raul, Terri,
James, Javier, and Daniel. The five came back up and did their thing.
We were left with Raul, James, and Daniel. After the finals we were
surprised with a SLAM OFF for second place! 1st Place RAUL 2nd Place
JAMES and due to time penalties 3rd Place DANIEL

Friday, December 08, 2006

Shut Up and Speak By: Alex Escoto And John Heron

There are two kinds of people when it comes to speaking
publicly. There is the type that doesn't speak very much and are shy, and
there is the type that is good with crowds and don't get very nervous.
Serina England is one of those people. She is a part of the Caprock High
School Speech Team. She writes many speeches and will stand up and
perform them in front of judges and people. She recently received fourth
place in the "Shut up and Speak" communication tournament at Amarillo
High School. We wanted to ask Serina a few questions about her
speeches. We asked her why she liked being a part of the speech team. She
told us: "It's challenging; I enjoy being under pressure and breaking
out of what people think is normal. We also get to wear cool clothes. I
practice talking to the youth outside of school," is what England
replied when asked how she prepared for each tournament. England is also
part of the Spoken Word program. Spoken Word is a program for juniors
and seniors who enjoy writing poetry and performing in front of a crowd.

Who is Going to be the New Football Coach ? By: Colton Amero

What do the players look for in a new coach? One attribute players are
looking forward to is a more powerful player-coach relationship. This
would help with the organization of the football team as well as make
the team more united. This would help build the trust and respect the
players show the coaches. "We want a more consistent, more interactive
coach," says Thomas Dewald. A new coach means new opportunities, a clean
slate, a fresh start. "We need a coach that will let us go out there and
take chances and have some fun," says George Villegas. "I want someone
who is stricter, who has a larger emotional drive to win games," says
Hector Villarreal. They all look forward to the positive changes that
are going to be made. I'm looking forward to how the new coach handles
the team. I guess we will see the results next football season if it was
for the better or the worse.

Speak a Little Louder By: Ashley Bridges

Caprock is the only school in the Texas Panhandle with a Deaf
Education program. All deaf students from the 26 counties in the
panhandle come to Caprock. I got together with Andrew Bridges, a deaf
student attending Caprock and asked him a few questions. I asked how it
felt to be deaf. Bridges responded, "It's wonderful; there are no sounds
to annoy me." "But what about music? Most people enjoy music and you
can't listen to it?" He jokes, "The silence is my music and it's a hit."
I asked him if he ever wished he was hearing and he said "No, I like
being deaf because I can do things in peace without getting scared from
things like objects falling or thunderstorms." Bridges has been deaf
from birth, and no researchers can figure out why. Bridges says "This is
how God made me, and I'm fine with it." I asked, "Do you ever have any
problems with communication like ordering food or going in businesses?"
"No, and if I do, I just ask for paper and a pen to write down what I
mean." Andrew Bridges is fine with being deaf, that's how he's always
been and wouldn't change it for anything.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

What It Takes By: Aaron Ballesteros

The harsh condition that every athlete must push himself or herself to,
undergoes an incredible transformation in physical and mental capabilityin order
to reach a certain goal. The spot of course that everyone tries to push
to is that #1 spot. The place where you get to feel proud of all the
hard work you put in and the reward it gives you. Last football season
was a horrible upset for the Varsity. A 0-10 streak was the last thing we
had on our mind to shoot for. J-V had a 2-8 season. But, in the upcoming
months we plan to turn the Caprock tide and pull an overall winning
season. The only way to do that is to be in the weight room. My
theory is the more you sweat the less you bleed. Our leader in this
strengthening campaign is Coach Douglass Fairchild. We spend countless hours and
just pure pain to become stronger and quicker than our opponents. Most
of my time is spent to become the best I can be and gain significant
mass to have the power to make plays on the gridiron. So if we
consistently go work out over the summer and up until next year, we will
be one of the top teams to reckon with!!! We all strive for success, but I
will be sure that I am physically prepared for next football season.

Friday, December 01, 2006

Jump 'n Jive By: Alicia Cordova and Edwin Ramirez

Our U.S History AP class had to vote on a class project where everybody
had to be involved with the class project. The class voted on Big
Brothers and Big Sisters to do an activity with them. We all voted on
Jump 'n Jive as an activity to do with Big Brothers and Big Sisters. The
class had to sign up to bring cookies, cokes, ice, chips, decorations,
cups, and etc.We had to be there by 9:45 to set up the decorations and
set up the snacks. When the kids got to Jump 'n Jive ,we were ready to
just grab the kids and start to play with them. We all had a blast. At
least, I did and my little kids because we would go play basketball and
go through the mazes. I let them race against each other.We would race
with each other. Then when they got tired, they would go get some snacks
and something to drink. That's why we provided the drinks and snacks. It
was a fun time. I enjoyed it, and all the little kids had a great time!!

Jumpin Fun By; Manny Sandoval and Jose Hernandez

On November 18th, Mr. Frazer's 2nd period class took the Big Brothers and
Big Sisters to an event at Jump 'n Jive. Seeing how the kids had so much
fun made this event worth it. Our class experienced fun and
excitement as we got the time to play with the kids. Everyone came
together to help the kids and experienced the fun that may only happen
once with these kids. We provided snacks, and we helped each kid and
played with each kid at Jump 'n Jive. We helped the community by playing
and being a big brother and big sister for these kids. Not only did the
kids have fun, but we also had fun and enjoyed ourselves with the kids. We
got to race and wrestle with the kids and also play basketball with
them. This experience showed us that we can lend a helping hand to our
community and can help these kids. If all the high schools in Amarillo
can come together and help the kids, we could have a huge impact on the
kids. Just to see their little faces smile and light up when were
playing with them, this is something that we won't ever forget!
Hopefully we can do this experience again!!!!

Jump and Jive!!! By Christina Morales

On November 18, Mr. Frazer's second period class had a project called
Big Brothers/Big Sisters. We were to plan a day to do something with
children. The event was planned to take place at Jump and Jive for a
couple of hours just to entertain the little kids and provide them
food and drinks. On that day, we were assigned a kid to play with and
just to enjoy the day with them. All together we as the class provided
donuts, cookies, chips, candy, and soda and other refreshments in case
they got hungry or thirsty. At Jump and Jive, there were all kinds of
things you could play on like slides, tubes, and just an area where you
could jump around. You could also play basketball, football and soccer.
If you weren't jumping around, you were helping the kids get on the
slides or serving them food. The party lasted for at least two hours.
During those hours, we got to know the kids that we were assigned to and
talk to them and just pretty much get to know them while we played and
hung out. When it was over, we were to stay and clean up the mess the
little kids and everyone had made. I think we had a fun experience
hanging out with kids that didn't have anyone to hang out with, and I'm
pretty sure that we will do this again.